Jordi, I’m looking forward to your show, but before we get into that, can you tell me a little bit about your background, about how you got interested in magic in the first place.

After the second week I told my wife, you know what, ‘I really need to do that.’ And I went to a magic shop. I bought my first book and my first Bicycle deck and that’s how I started.
Wow, so you were already married at that point.
Yes, I was 28 years old when I started seriously. Kind of old.

The first magician that I saw probably was Juan Tamariz on a TV program called Un, Dos, Tres. It was a weekly show where contestants were trying to win prizes and he was one of the characters that appeared. I don’t remember what the precise trick was that I saw, but of course he was the one that I saw. The second one I remember was a Catalan magician. I’m from Barcelona, from Catalonia, and we had our own Catalan magican called Magic Andreu. He was quite popular in the 80s and the 90s. The set that I received was a magic box from Magic Andreu and he appeared on the VHS tape that came with it. But I think that what hooked me probably is that I couldn’t understand what was going on. I don’t like to see magic as a puzzle, but it was something that was impossible to happen, but it happened. The ability to create something that is impossible and then to do it is what got me. [Story continues]