A Taste of Magic
Fridays at 8 p.m., September 5, 11, 19 and 25.
Dock's Oyster Bar, (September 5) 633 Third Avenue
Gossip Restaurant (Setember 11 and 25), 733 Ninth Avenue
Ben and Jack's Steak House (September 19), 255 Fifth Avenue
A Taste of Magic includes dinner plus performances of close-up magic before the meal and between courses. For more information: atasteofmagicnyc.com
Chamber Magic, featuring Steve Cohen
Fridays at 7 and 9 p.m.; Saturdays at 2, 7 and 9 p.m.
The Waldorf Towers, 100 East 50th Street.
For more information: www.chambermagic.com, or 866-811-4111
Determined: An Intimate Evening of Influence and Prophecy
A performance by Kent Axell
Friday, September 4, 8 p.m.
LATEA Theater, 107 Suffolk Street, #200
For more information: www.eventbrite.com/e/determined-an-intimite-evening-of-influence-and-prophecy-tickets-18045064273
Monday Night Magic
Note: Monday Night Magic has no shows scheduled for Monday, September 14 and Monday, September 21
Monday, September 7, at 8 p.m., featuring: Alexander Boyce, Chris McDaniel, and Chris Capehart (headliner), with Master of Ceremonies, Ben Nemzer. Close-up performances at intermission by: Joe Maxwell and Michael Chaut.
Monday, September 28, at 8 p.m., featuring: Will Shaw, Jon Armstrong, and Peter Samelson (headliner), with Master of Ceremonies, Todd Robbins. Close-up performances at intermission by: Noah Levine, and Jeffrey Kellogg
Players Theatre, 125 MacDougal Street. For information: mondaynightmagic.com/MainMenu.html, 718-575-1349
Parlor of Mystery
Magic & Comedy, featuring Francis Menotti, Matty Whipple, and Terry Parett
Sunday, September 27, at 7 p.m.
South Shore Theatre Experience, 315 West Montauk Highway
Lindenhurst, NY (Long Island)
For tickets and information: southshoretheatre.com
Parlor of Mystery shows are held the fourth Sunday of every month.
Sam Eaton's The Quantum Eye
Saturdays at 5 p.m.
(The show will not be performed September 19 through October 10)
Theatre 80, 80 Saint Mark's Place
For more information: www.thequantumeye.com
The Magician, featuring Dan White
An intimate evening of magic, mystery, and deception.
Usually presented Friday at 8 pm. and Saturday at 6 and 9:30 p.m.
Please check the show's web site for specific availability. Tickets for performances through October 17 are currently on sale.
Nomad Upstairs, The Nomad Hotel, 1170 Broadway (and 28th Street)
For more information: www.thenomadhotel.com/#!/experiences/nomad-upstairs
Will Fern, September 10, Parent Assembly #1, Society of American Magicians
(at Fantasma Magic, 421 Seventh Avenue) sampa1.com
Bizarro, September 17, Tannen's Magic
Alex Pandrea, September 24, Tannen's Magic
45 West 34th Street, Suite 608, tannensmagic.corecommerce.com/Lectures-and-Classes/
Jon Armstrong, September 24, Fantasma Magic
421 Seventh Avenue, www.fantasmamagic.com/proddetail.php?prod=jonarm
Ricky Smith, October 2, Parent Assembly #1, Society of American Magicians
(Location to be determined)
Cafe Rustico II, 25 West 35th Street (between 5th and 6th Avenues)
Saturdays from approximately noon to 5 p.m.
Magicians gather at Rustico on Saturdays, in a longstanding tradition to share information, help each other with tricks, and socialize. The group is attended by magicians of all levels from beginners to working pros. Many future magic greats got their start by learning from fellow magicians at this weekly get-together. Anyone interested in magic is welcome to attend. [Please note that the group normally does not meet on the weekends of major holidays such as Labor Day, Memorial Day, and July 4th].
The Magic Table
Times Square Diner & Grill, 807 Eighth Avenue (49th Street)
Fridays at 1 p.m.
The Magic Table is another longstanding gathering for magicians. It has always been based in the Times Square area, harking to the time when the neighborhood was home to multiple magic businesses like the Tannen's and Max Holden magic stores. The get-together is open to anyone interested in magic.
The Atrium, 601 Lexington Avenue
Mondays at 6 p.m.
Magnets is a newer group that meets for weekly jam sessions and also occasionally sponsors its own lectures, workshops and shows. This group is also open to everyone interested in magic.