For folks who may be struggling to master the basic diagonal palm shift, it was impressive to see how much Ricky has thought about a richer, more detailed array of variations and applications of the move. This was a reminder that there is always room for creative exploration and development in magic beyond what seems to be a set and codified approach to particular techniques. There were plenty of other moves shown too. Ricky's knowledge and skill seem to come from deep reading of magical literature as well as his own creativity and lots of practicing. Aside from cards, coins and birthday candles also came into play.
In terms of his performing style Ricky is self-effacing yet also hilariously funny. His spell to any vowel trick is particularly funny for magicians, and his any card to any number variation has a surprise ending that should only be tried with the most generously-spirited of spectators. Ricky had his lecture notes, "Nothing as it Seems," for sale, a booklet which otherwise sold out immediately when it was made available online by Dan and Dave.